
cotton yarn 棉紗。


The main products include wooden lamp , bamboo lamp , small string lamp , floor lamp , table lamp , paper lantern ( include : cotton yarn paper , special paper , handwork paper , fireproof paper , waterproof paper . ect ) , cloth lantern etc above 500styles , the size from3 “ - 40 “ , also we made the any new styles in every month . we are a enterprise which have most styles of lanterns in fujian china 主產品“燈籠”規格從3英寸- 40英寸,有紙燈籠,竹木燈籠,分竹絲骨,鋼絲骨,木條骨;含懸掛式,壁式,臺式,落地式等十二系列幾百種款式,包羅:中式,歐式,日式,圣誕節,鬼節,復活節,情人節,中秋節等節日用燈;有圓型,橢圓型,蛋型,方型,汽球型,不規則型,形象型,動物型,宮廷型,圖案字畫型,迷你/串燈型等。

With the principle to determine the standards of cotton yam quality put forward , various cotton yarn qualities required by clothes , garment accessories and industrial fabrics are analyzed in this article , and based on the series engineering principle , a new thinking way of technological design , experts system building up and sales services system setting up from raw material up to yarn forming has been put forward 摘要提出了衡量棉紗質量標準的原則,分析了服裝、服飾、產業用紡織品對棉紗質量的要求,按照系統工程原理,提出了從原料到成紗系統工藝設計、建立專家系統和銷售服務系統的思路。

A coalition of us apparel and textile industry and a labour union has just filed six threat - based safeguard petitions against cotton & man - fibre trousers , underwear , and shirts from china and would soon file further petitions against four other broad categories , covering trousers made of wool , cotton sheets , synthetic filament fabric and cotton yarn 美國服裝及紡織業與當地一個工會組成的聯盟,剛剛提出6項針對中國棉質和人造纖維長褲、內衣及襯衫的市場保護申訴,理由是這些產品可能干擾市場;此外,又將提出針對另外4類產品的申訴,有關產品包括羊毛長褲、棉質被單、人造連續長纖維織物及棉紗。

The company mainly produces polyester yarns , man - made cotton yarns , acrylic yarns , staple yarns , as well as the thread - combination service . the products find a good sale in britain , german , america , korea , japan etc . , and the products have been listed into the ones that are exempt from inspection to export by users . the company has already passed iso9001 international quality system authentication , and it has been rewarded as the enterprise with high reputation , aaa “ grade credit enterprise 公司主要生產各種規格的全棉精梳紗氨綸竹節紗全棉竹節紗氨綸包芯紗腈綸包芯紗包覆線純滌純腈純棉紗線及滌粘滌棉腈粘滌腈羊絨棉滌麻等混紡紗線,生產的產品遠銷英德美韓日等國家和地區,被用戶列為出口免檢產品,公司已通過iso9001國際質量體系認證。

Depending on the local cotton and linen resources , it has formed a serialization production system combining textile , printing and dyeing with bedclothes and garments . the export of cotton yarn ranks the first in jiangxi province and the “ shuanglin brand “ linen is famous at home and overseas 紡織工業依托新余棉花、苧麻資源優勢,已形成紡織、印染和床上用品、服裝等門類齊全的系列化生產體系,棉紗出口占全省第一位, “雙林牌“夏布名揚海內外。

For purposes of administration of quotas , including actions under the article 6 safeguard , the various harmonized tariff schedule of the united states of america ( “ htsusa “ ) classifications for combed cotton yarn are grouped into textile quota category , specifically , category 301 為實現配額管理,包括采取第6條項下的安全保證行動,美國各種各樣針對梳理棉紗的調和關稅日程都被歸在紡織品配額項下,特別是301類別項下。

This machine widely applies to seal bags made by linen , cloth , paper and knitted propylene to fill grain , sugar , salt , tea , cotton yarn , medicinal materials , chemical product and etc . goods for factory , storehouse , wharf , forexporting and selling on the home market 本廠生產的封包機廣泛用于工廠、倉庫、碼頭;供出口和內銷的盛滿糧、糖、鹽、茶、棉紗、藥材、化工產品等物品的麻、布、紙、編織丙烯袋的封包用。

Product can be classified by raw material as cotton yarn socks , polyamide fiber socks , stretch hosiery with polyamide , high elastic cotton fiber socks with polyamide , cores spandex filament socks , and high elastic core polyamide / spandex filament socks 產品按原料分為棉紗線襪、錦綸絲襪、彈力錦綸絲襪、棉/彈力錦綸絲交織襪、高彈錦綸絲襪、全氨綸包芯絲襪、高彈錦綸絲/氨綸包芯絲交織襪等。

The company products of professional woolen yarn , the yarn count is 6 to 16 , the main production is rabbit hair yarn 、 cashmere wool 、 acrylic yarn 、 cotton yarn 、 blended yarn and so on 公司長年專業生產各類粗紡針織紗,紗支在6支到18支,擁有自營進出口權,主導產品有兔毛、羊毛、錦綸、睛綸、棉、麻、天絲等各類混紡紗線。

Js201 type series entire automatic glove knitting machine adopts the material of cotton yarn or mixed spinning yarn , can constantly automatic knit complete glove after special mouth sealing machine Js201型系列全自動手套編織機以棉紗或混紡紗為原料,能連續自動編織完整手套,經專用拷口機拷口后即為成品。

In light of the abrupt rises in prices of cotton and cotton yarn since last september , we have decided to increase inventory and conclude contracts with suppliers at the early stage of the price upsurge 面對棉花及棉紗的價格自去年九月突然上升,管理層決定增加庫存量,并于價格上漲初期與供應商達成合約。

Technology to knit rayon and combed cotton yarn on normal circular knitting machine is introduced with special attentions during knitting machine were discussed as well 摘要介紹了人造絲與精梳棉炒交織的新型針織提花面料在普通圓機上的編織工藝,以及在人造絲織造過程中調試設各需要注意的問題。

This machine bales the cloth ( in case the cloth with wide width over 1 meter is to be baled , an automatic cloth feeding machine shouldbe equipped ) or cotton yarn to definite volume and bale style 本機用于將布匹(在打幅寬超過1米的寬幅布時,必須配用自動上布機)或棉紗打成一定體積的包型。

Fuxin textile mill is lid on fuxin city , liaoning province . it have 66 thousand spindles , 1000 looms , which can produce 10 thousand tons of cotton yarn and 20 million meters of cotton cloth 阜新市紡織廠位于遼寧省阜新市,現有紗綻6 . 5萬枚,布機1000臺,年生產棉紗1萬噸,棉布2000萬米。

Our company specializes in prodacting series of the elastic , pp tape series , nylon series , cotton yarn tape series , lace series and other design take the series to knit tapes 我公司專業生產松緊帶繩系列, pp帶系列,尼龍系列,棉紗帶系列,花邊系列及其他花色帶系列織帶。

Our main products have linen rayon blended fabric , linen cotton blended fabric , polyester rayon linen blended fabric , linen polyester blended fabric , ramie , linen , oe4 . 5s - 16s cotton yarn and linen yarn 公司主要產品有亞麻粘亞麻棉滌麻純亞麻苧麻等紗線和面料。

Our plant is also able to produce 7 - 45 count sheer cotton , tc and viscose cotton yarns in line with customer requirements 主要品種為純棉、滌棉、粘棉等,并可根據廣大客戶的不同需求織造各種花色、格型的色織布。

After mopping , the cotton yarn is hard to be washed and wringed to dry , it also needs wash by hands , and will mould after some times use 一干濕兩用魔術滾轉拖把你還在用一次只能拖一面的舊型拖把嗎

The unit suits for drying woolen yarn , polyester yarn and pure cotton yarn cone yarn after dyeing and bleach 本機適用于羊毛紗、滌綸線、及純棉紗筒子紗線在染色或漂白后的烘干。